December 24

Why did Christ Come?



What is the purpose of Christ’s visit?

I explain what it is based on Matthew 1:18-2:15 in an Audio format.

Christ came to accomplish His mission.

To share the good news (Isaiah 61:1-2b)

To Seek and Save the Lost! (Luke 19:10)

To offer forgiveness for sins of mankind (Luke 7:48)

To offer eternal life for those who believe in Him (John 3:16)

Christ’s Birth is:

Promised Birth (Isaiah 7:14)

Pure Birth (from the Holy Spirit, emphasizes the role of Holy SPirit in Creation and as well as giving life (1:18)

Powerful Birth (Christ was worshipped by Gentiles) – Wise men coming to search for Christ.

Planned Birth—Isaiah 9:6. His birth would change the entire world.

Purposeful Birth – He came to save the lost.

About the author 

Joel Madasu

Joel Madasu is a third generation Christian. His desire is to teach the Bible as it is given. He is passionate about people, discipleship and relevant communication of God’s truth – his Word, the Bible.

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